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Courtesy of Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, USA

​An unbiased, data-driven approach to CAR development

We leverage our immunology-inspired libraries and analytics to develop cell and gene therapies that are rooted in science and benchmarked against best-in-class molecules. Our innovative, in-house libraries are screened for the best CAR construct for a given target indication, guided by automated analyses of large datasets. Developing the candidate diversity necessary to take data-driven risks delivers multiple “shots-on-goal” while carrying common learnings from product to product.

​Monitoring Darwinian evolution through molecular genetics to find the best CARs

Our infrastructure, data transfer platform, and analytics capabilities allow us to cast a wider net to find the best CAR attributes. Our approach has three key advantages:

  1. Providing sufficient library diversity in the final product configuration
  2. Using biologically relevant cell types, e.g. primary human cells, instead of immortalized cell line models
  3. Applying physiologically relevant screens instead of artificial environments

When applied through our big data analytics platform, this allows us to find rare events with significantly improved attributes.