Our Company

We are rewiring the molecular circuitry of the immune system to target some of the most challenging solid tumor malignancies


EXUMA Biotechnology’s mission is to provide lasting remissions via cellular therapies for patients with no other options

We are driven to achieve clinically relevant reductions in cancer mortality through industrial innovation and scientific integrity, while generating accessible solutions for patients around the world.

Scientific and business integrity is at the core of who we are

We own our data and share the responsibility to communicate it fairly with scientific accuracy. We respect our future patients and their caregivers; when testing new therapies, we first ask if we would give the treatment to our own family members before beginning a trial.

Contribute where you can, whenever you can

We have lofty goals and aggressive timelines that can only be successful with a culture of scientific honesty and mutual respect.

Alliances come in many forms

Whether vertical or horizontal, each successful alliance begins with mutual respect. The field of oncology in particular requires long-lasting partnerships to surmount the enormous challenges that continue long after the deal has been signed.

Be a part of something amazing